Under the bill, an individual who has an income tax liability, is due a refund,
or is required to file a return may designate any amount of additional payment, or
any amount of a refund due, to fund health-related programs for people with
multiple sclerosis on his or her income tax return. If an individual's designation
exceeds the amount of his or her refund, he or she must include a check with his or
her tax return for the difference between the amount of the designation and the
amount of the refund. If an individual who makes a contribution has a tax liability
or has no tax liability and is due no refund, he or she must include a check for the
amount of the designation with his or her tax return.
The bill requires that an amount equal to the total amount of designations
received, less the total cost of administering the income tax check-off procedure, be
sent to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS). NMSS would then disburse

all of the money it receives from the checkoff to entities in Wisconsin that pledge to
use the funds for health-related programs for people with multiple sclerosis in
Wisconsin. Annually, NMSS will report to the legislature and the governor on what
entities have received the proceeds of the checkoff and what programs were
supported with such funds.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB167, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.566 (1) (hp) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB167,2,82 20.566 (1) (hp) Administration of endangered resources; professional football
3district; breast cancer research
; multiple sclerosis programs voluntary payments.
4The amounts in the schedule for the payment of all administrative costs, including
5data processing costs, incurred in administering ss. 71.10 (5), (5e), and (5f), and (5g)
6and 71.30 (10). All moneys specified for deposit in this appropriation under ss. 71.10
7(5) (h) 5., (5e) (h) 4., and (5f) (i), and (5g) (i) and 71.30 (10) (i) shall be credited to this
SB167, s. 2 9Section 2. 71.10 (5g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB167,2,1110 71.10 (5g) Multiple sclerosis programs checkoff. (a) Definitions. In this
SB167,2,1212 1. "Department" means the department of revenue.
SB167,2,1313 2. "Society" means the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
SB167,2,1714 (b) Voluntary payments. 1. `Designation on return.' Every individual filing an
15income tax return who has a tax liability or is entitled to a tax refund may designate
16on the return any amount of additional payment or any amount of a refund due that
17individual for programs for people with multiple sclerosis.
12. `Designation added to tax owed.' If the individual owes any tax, the
2individual shall remit in full the tax due and the amount designated on the return
3for programs for people with multiple sclerosis when the individual files a tax return.
SB167,3,74 3. `Designation deducted from refund.' Except as provided in par. (d), if the
5individual is owed a refund for that year after crediting under ss. 71.75 (9) and 71.80
6(3) and (3m), the department shall deduct the amount designated on the return for
7programs for people with multiple sclerosis from the amount of the refund.
SB167,3,118 (c) Errors; failure to remit correct amount. If an individual who owes taxes fails
9to remit an amount equal to or in excess of the total of the actual tax due, after error
10corrections, and the amount designated on the return for programs for people with
11multiple sclerosis:
SB167,3,1712 1. The department shall reduce the designation for programs for people with
13multiple sclerosis to reflect the amount remitted in excess of the actual tax due, after
14error corrections, if the individual remitted an amount in excess of the actual tax due,
15after error corrections, but less than the total of the actual tax due, after error
16corrections, and the amount originally designated on the return for programs for
17people with multiple sclerosis.
SB167,3,2018 2. The designation for programs for people with multiple sclerosis is void if the
19individual remitted an amount equal to or less than the actual tax due, after error
SB167,4,221 (d) Errors; insufficient refund. If an individual is owed a refund that does not
22equal or exceed the amount designated on the return for programs for people with
23multiple sclerosis, after crediting under ss. 71.75 (9) and 71.80 (3) and (3m) and after
24error corrections, the department shall reduce the designation for programs for
25people with multiple sclerosis to reflect the actual amount of the refund that the

1individual is otherwise owed, after crediting under ss. 71.75 (9) and 71.80 (3) and
2(3m) and after error corrections.
SB167,4,43 (e) Conditions. If an individual places any conditions on a designation for
4programs for people with multiple sclerosis, the designation is void.
SB167,4,75 (f) Void designation. If a designation for programs for people with multiple
6sclerosis is void, the department shall disregard the designation and determine
7amounts due, owed, refunded, and received without regard to the void designation.
SB167,4,98 (g) Tax return. The secretary of revenue shall provide a place for the
9designations under this subsection on the individual income tax return.
SB167,4,1210 (h) Certification of amounts. Annually, on or before September 15, the
11secretary of revenue shall certify to the society, the department of administration,
12and the state treasurer all of the following:
SB167,4,1513 1. The total amount of the administrative costs, including data processing
14costs, incurred by the department in administering this subsection during the
15previous fiscal year.
SB167,4,1716 2. The total amount received from all designations for programs for people with
17multiple sclerosis made by taxpayers during the previous fiscal year.
SB167,4,2018 3. The net amount remaining after the administrative costs, including data
19processing costs, under subd. 1. are subtracted from the total received under subd.
SB167,5,221 (i) Appropriations, disbursement of funds to the society. From the moneys
22received from designations for programs for people with multiple sclerosis, an
23amount equal to the sum of administrative expenses, including data processing
24costs, certified under par. (h) 1. shall be deposited in the general fund and credited
25to the appropriation account under s. 20.566 (1) (hp), and the net amount remaining

1that is certified under par. (h) 3. shall be forwarded to the society, for disbursement
2under par. (k).
SB167,5,103 (j) Amounts subject to refund. Amounts designated for programs for people
4with multiple sclerosis under this subsection are not subject to refund to the taxpayer
5unless the taxpayer submits information to the satisfaction of the department,
6within 18 months after the date on which the taxes are due or the date on which the
7return is filed, whichever is later, that the amount designated is clearly in error. Any
8refund granted by the department under this paragraph shall be deducted from the
9moneys received under this subsection in the fiscal year for which the refund is
SB167,5,1511 (k) Disbursements by the society. The society shall disburse all of the funds that
12it receives under par. (i) to entities located in Wisconsin that operate health-related
13programs for people with multiple sclerosis, and the entities that receive the funds
14shall pledge to the society that they will use the money they receive solely for
15health-related programs for people with multiple sclerosis in Wisconsin.
SB167,5,2216 (L) Report to legislature, governor. Not later than the first day of the 12th
17month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date],
18and annually thereafter, the society shall prepare a report detailing the entities to
19which the society distributed funds under par. (k), the amount of money each entity
20received, and the health-related multiple sclerosis programs on which the money
21was spent. The report shall be distributed to the appropriate standing committees
22of the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (3) and to the governor.
SB167, s. 3 23Section 3. Initial applicability.
SB167,6,224 (1) This act first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year
25in which this subsection takes effect, except that if this subsection takes effect after

1July 31 this act first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year
2following the year in which this subsection takes effect.
SB167,6,33 (End)